we need your help

We're thrilled to be embarking on this journey to explore the inspiring stories of people who are working to create a more sustainable and regenerative world.

But we need your help to make this project a reality. As an independent film, we rely on the support of people like you to bring this important message to a wider audience. Your donation can help us cover the costs of filming, editing, and promoting the documentary, and can make a real difference in raising awareness about the urgent need for sustainable solutions, sovereignty, and community building.

Your support helps us shed light on ways to live in alignment with nature, regenerative systems, renewable energy, and more. We'll be traveling around the world to showcase the inspiring work of individuals and communities who are making a positive impact on the planet.

By supporting this documentary, you'll be contributing to a powerful tool for change. Our goal is not only to inspire people to take action in their own lives, but also to spark a broader conversation about the urgent need for sustainability and regeneration on a global scale.

Donating is easy and every little bit helps. We deeply appreciate your contribution, and we're excited to share this journey with you.

Together, we can make a difference and create a brighter future for our planet. Thank you for your support!

Monthly Patreon Supporter

Become a monthly Patreon supporter - committing to our mission and vision and receiving exclusive content that we produce for our most dedicated supporters.

One Time Donation

Support our mission and vision with a one-time donation to our upcoming documentary. Your donation will go towards travel, lodging, and expenses for our travels across the world.